Who We Are
Our Team

Dr. Gerry Ebalaroza-Tunnell
Dr. Gerry Ebalaroza-Tunnell is the Principal Consultant and CEO of Co3 Consulting: Co-Creating Cohesive Communities. Dr. G launched Co3 Consulting in 2012 on her foundational dissertation work of AloHā, combining Indigenous philosophies and Western methodology to guide organizations toward transformative evolution.
She identifies as an Indigenous scholar born and raised on the island of O'ahu, Hawaii, and has over 30 years of experience working in public, private, and non-profit sectors with a focus on leadership development, equitable processes, and community organizing. Dr. G earned her doctorate in Transformative Studies and Consciousness from the California Institute of Integral Studies and her Master's in Whole Systems Design from Antioch University, Seattle. She has been a HeartMath Certified Trainer since 2014.
You can learn more about her work at www.EvolutionOfAloha.com

Jeremy Tunnell, MA
Jeremy David Tunnell is the Lead Consultant and Operations Director for Co3 Consulting, LLC. Jeremy received a Master's in Whole Systems Design from Antioch University, Seattle, in 2015. Whole Systems provides an integrated perspective on organizational and social structures through a lens of interconnectedness.
Jeremy utilizes this training in his work with organizations to identify and advise on stuck cultural processes, staff resilience conditioning, and coherent team cultivation. Jeremy is a HeartMath Certified Trainer who coaches leaders and teams in the Resilience and Coherence Advantage program. He offers one-on-one coaching for personal equity competency and learning systemic engagement. Jeremy has produced considerable work on the systemic foundations for equity, diversity, and racial justice subjects in his writings and workshops: Dismantling Whiteness, The Colonized Mind, and Whole Systems Paradigm. Learn more by subscribing to the newsletters on his LinkedIn profile.

Core Values
Our values work together to create a holistic framework for Co3 Consulting's work. They emphasize collaboration over hierarchy, understanding over judgment, and adaptability over rigidity, aligning with the philosophies of Whole Systems Paradigm and The Guiding Principles of A.L.O.H.A - as developed by Dr. Gerry Ebalaroza-Tunnell & Jeremy Tunnell.
Collaborative Curiosity
This value embodies the spirit of Ask, Listen, Observe from the first three letters in A.L.O.H.A. Combined with the collaborative nature of systemic paradigms, it emphasizes asking and valuing ongoing inquiry over settling for simple answers, actively listening to diverse perspectives while observing internal dialogue to discover hidden biases and obstructive perspectives. This is how we foster cultures of ongoing learning and exploration.
Empathetic Visioning
This value centers on the Heart-Focus principle of A.L.O.H.A. It highlights the importance of engaging businesses and communities with empathy and compassion rather than leaning into old paradigms of seeing people as mere resources. Human beings are the heart of Human systems; how we cultivate our relationship with the people we build systems with determines the health of that system.
Adaptive Transformation and Wisdom
This value reflects Adapt/Acknowledge elements of A.L.O.H.A.. It emphasizes the power found in adapting to changing information quickly and acknowledging differences, diverse perspectives, and alternative strategies based on emerging knowledge and feedback.
Our Team

Dr. Gerry Ebalaroza-Tunnell
Dr. Gerry Ebalaroza-Tunnell is the Principal Consultant and CEO of Co3 Consulting: Co-Creating Cohesive Communities. Dr. G launched Co3 Consulting in 2012 on her foundational dissertation work of AloHā, combining Indigenous philosophies and Western methodology to guide organizations toward transformative evolution.
She identifies as an Indigenous scholar born and raised on the island of O'ahu, Hawaii, and has over 30 years of experience working in public, private, and non-profit sectors with a focus on leadership development, equitable processes, and community organizing. Dr. G earned her doctorate in Transformative Studies and Consciousness from the California Institute of Integral Studies and her Master's in Whole Systems Design from Antioch University, Seattle. She has been a HeartMath Certified Trainer since 2014.
You can learn more about her work at www.EvolutionOfAloha.com
Jeremy Tunnell, MA
Jeremy David Tunnell is the Lead Consultant and Operations Director for Co3 Consulting, LLC. Jeremy received a Master's in Whole Systems Design from Antioch University, Seattle, in 2015. Whole Systems provides an integrated perspective on organizational and social structures through a lens of interconnectedness.
Jeremy utilizes this training in his work with organizations to identify and advise on stuck cultural processes, staff resilience conditioning, and coherent team cultivation. Jeremy is a HeartMath Certified Trainer who coaches leaders and teams in the Resilience and Coherence Advantage program. He offers one-on-one coaching for personal equity competency and learning systemic engagement. Jeremy has produced considerable work on the systemic foundations for equity, diversity, and racial justice subjects in his writings and workshops: Dismantling Whiteness, The Colonized Mind, and Whole Systems Paradigm. Learn more by subscribing to the newsletters on his LinkedIn profile.

Core Values
Our values work together to create a holistic framework for Co3 Consulting's work. They emphasize collaboration over hierarchy, understanding over judgment, and adaptability over rigidity, aligning with the philosophies of Whole Systems Paradigm and The Guiding Principles of A.L.O.H.A - as developed by Dr. Gerry Ebalaroza-Tunnell & Jeremy Tunnell.
1. Collaborative Curiosity
This value embodies the spirit of Ask, Listen, Observe from the first three letters in A.L.O.H.A. Combined with the collaborative nature of systemic paradigms, it emphasizes asking and valuing ongoing inquiry over settling for simple answers, actively listening to diverse perspectives while observing internal dialogue to discover hidden biases and obstructive perspectives. This is how we foster cultures of ongoing learning and exploration.
2. Empathetic Visioning
This value centers on the Heart-Focus principle of A.L.O.H.A. It highlights the importance of engaging businesses and communities with empathy and compassion rather than leaning into old paradigms of seeing people as mere resources. Human beings are the heart of Human systems; how we cultivate our relationship with the people we build systems with determines the health of that system.
3. Adaptive Transformation and Wisdom
This value reflects Adapt/Acknowledge elements of A.L.O.H.A.. It emphasizes the power found in adapting to changing information quickly and acknowledging differences, diverse perspectives, and alternative strategies based on emerging knowledge and feedback.